russian version  
Main directions of the factory production activity are:

sheet interior birch plywood, emission class E1, size 1525x1525 mm, polished and not polished. Annual output is 40 thousand cubic meters. 80% of plywood is exported.
flat pressed wood-particle boards, size 3500x1750x16 mm, emission class E1, polished. Annual output is 60 thousand cubic meters.
chairs made of bent-glued parts. Annual output is about 500 thousand items.
bent-glued parts of different forms and profiles made of birch veneer.


Evgeny N. Korotkov
(8202) 29-11-95
Alexandr I. Remezov
(8202) 29-11-07
Vladimir A. Khabarov
(8202) 29-11-53

Our address is:

CHFMK Limited Joint-Stock Company
"Cherepovets plywood and furniture plant",
4, Proyezhaya St., Cherepovets,
Vologda region, 162604, Russia

Phones: (8202) 29-16-96, 55-64-36, 29-14-47
Faxes: (8202) 29-11-27, 29-25-40

Bank properties:

The Bank of New York, New York, USA, SWIFT – IRVTUS3N
in favor of:
Account No. 803-3016-930 of
Centro Internationale Handelsbank AG, Vienna, Austria, SWIFT – CENVATWW
in favor of:
Account No. 6107929000 of
Industrial Energetic Bank
Cherepovets Br., Cherepovets, Russia
in favor of:
Account No. 40702840500000005008 of
CHFMK Limited Joint-Stock Company  “Cherepovetskiy FMK”


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